RI4EU joins international robotics experts at IROS 2021

Sep 16, 2021

On September 27th– October 1st International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) will commence in Prague. IROS is one of the biggest and most highly profiled robotics conferences in the world, impacting robotics trends, research, and innovation globally. IROS attracts the world’s best researchers, scientists, and enterprises who participate in forums, workshops, tutorials, and exhibitions and share their ideas and advances in the technology and science of intelligent robotics and systems. 

This year, RI4EU  will exhibit amongst leading technology experts such as Amazon Science, Science Robotics, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and more.

RI4EU will present the five innovation actions through a virtual exhibition stand showcasing projects in four priority application areas that can greatly benefit from robotics: agile production, infrastructure inspection and maintenance, healthcare, and agri-food.

Attendees will be able to learn about RIEU work, open calls and projects, and learn about project representatives via video and live chat sessions throughout the duration of the exhibition. 

Participants can attend by completing the online registration form here. Attendees will have the chance to observe workshops, participate in online tutorials and competitions and ask questions during interactive exhibition sessions as well as network online with other attendees. 

Featured Innovation Actions

  •  agROBOfood – agROBOfood connects the world of Robotics and agri-food, R&D and business by establishing a sustainable network of Digital Innovation Hubs. The network counts 49 Digital Innovation Hubs and 12 Competence Centers and it will be extended and strengthened during the project.  
  • Trinity – TRINITY is a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local Digital Innovation Hubs focusing on agile production. It joins research centers, companies, and university groups that cover a wide range of topics in advanced robotics.  
  • DIH-HERO – DIH-HERO connects Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe to create a sustained network across  the healthcare robotics sector. DIH-HERO focuses on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in maximizing their impact and reducing time-to-market.  
  • RIMA – RIMA focuses on the inspection and maintenance of complex infrastructure, pipelines, power generation plants, water networks and more.  It brings technology and service providers, the asset owners and operators, together with Digital Innovation Hubs and facilitators to accelerate robotics deployment and uptake in inspection and maintenance tasks.
  • DIH² – DIH² believes in the power of robotics to transform the agility of manufacturing in SMEs and to drive economic growth across the European Union. The role of DIH²  is to facilitate the connections that enable agile production in factories, where speed and versatility are essential in satisfying customer demand. 

Program at a Glance (times in CET)

Complete the online registration form here! 

Attendees will have the chance to observe workshops, participate in online tutorials and competitions and ask questions during interactive exhibition sessions as well as network online with other participants.