agROBOfood: Open Call for Evaluators
agROBOfood has launched a call for independent evaluators who would be able to assess the quality of the proposals shortly after the closing of its 2nd Open Call, focused on Industry Challenges. The call closes on the 20th of January 2021, and the evaluation will be executed during February and March.
agROBOfood is one of the Innovation Actions in the RODIN project family, taking on the challenge of bridging the gap between the increasing global food demand and the availability of farmland and human labour by using robotic technologies. The agROBOfood consortium aims to use the mechanism of Open Calls to provide financial support to third parties in order to accelerate network expansion driven by the robotics community and the European agri-food sector.
The evaluators should have the following competencies:
- a recognized expert in the fields of science, industry and innovation;
- experience in one or more of the following fields: agri-food, robotics and business development;
- experience in evaluating EC proposals or similar experience.
It is important to note that an evaluator should not work for an organisation that aims to participate in the agROBOfood Open Call, neither in an organisation participating in the current agROBOfood consortium.
The evaluators should be available throughout February and March 2021. Each selected evaluator will be asked to evaluate at least ten proposals, of 30 pages per proposal. The group of evaluators will have a mix of robotic, agri-food, and business expertise. Those who already applied for the first agROBOfood’s Open Call for evaluators, do not need to apply again, this is a call for new evaluators to extend the existing pool.
Find more information here! For applying to become an evaluator, follow the link.
The call is open until December 21st, 2020, 17:00 CET!