DIH HERO Healthcare Robotics Open Call for up to €100,000

Oct 02, 2019

DIH HERO announces Technology Demonstrator Open call for Healthcare Robotics and offers SMEs up to €100,000 to accelerate the development of Healthcare Robotics by demonstrating the feasibility of new, innovative and enhanced robotic solutions in healthcare application domains.

The Technology Demonstrator call is meant to provide financial support for eligible projects tailored to the five main application areas:

  • Diagnostic Robotics
  • Interventional Robotics
  • Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Robotics supporting Patients
  • Robotics supporting Healthcare Professionals

The major aim of this call is to stimulate cross-border collaboration among pan-European companies (SME’s and slightly larger companies) which are working in the area of Healthcare Robotics. By demonstrating the feasibility of new, innovative and enhanced robotic solutions in healthcare application domains the development of Healthcare robotics is accelerated. Furthermore, the DIH-HERO Technology Demonstrators are meant to broaden the uptake of robotics solutions in healthcare and to increase future investments in robotics in healthcare.

The deadline for the first Technology Demonstrator call is 31st of January 2020.

Click here to apply now for a Technology Demonstrator!

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